domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2020

Dead of Novas from Jibaku-Kun (Bucky) animated gifs part 1

Jibaku-Kun is an anime I like very, very much and I bet almost nobody in the English speaking world has even heard of it despite having a very strong following in Latin America. Dead of Novas with his emo teen angst and goth attire is my favorite character from the series, so naturally I made a lot of gifs of him. Here are the ones I made so far. Enjoy!

Dead of Novas Jibaku-Kun Bucky animated gif

Dead of Novas Jibaku-Kun Bucky animated gif

Dead of Novas Jibaku-Kun Bucky animated gif

Dead of Novas Jibaku-Kun Bucky animated gif

Dead of Novas Jibaku-Kun Bucky animated gif

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